Ricoh Pro L4130/L4160 Parts List Manual, product code M152/M153

This manual is in the PDF format and have detailed pictures and full list of parts numbers for your Ricoh.
You can print, zoom or read any diagram, picture or page from Ricoh Pro L4130/L4160, product code M152/M153 Parts List Manual. Every chapter is fully detailed and contain all parts numbers and diagrams offered by manufacturer.
Table of contents:

1. Cover, Key Board Assy (1)
2. Cover, Key Board Assy (2)
3. Cover, Key Board Assy (3)
4. Platen (1)
5. Platen (2)
6. Platen (3)
7. Y-Bar (1)
8. Y-Bar (2)
9. Frame (1)
10. Frame (2)
11. Stand
12. Clamp
13. Bear Assy
14. X-Drive
15. Y-Drive
16. Carriage (1)
17. Carriage (2) (Ver.1)
18. Carriage (2) (Ver.2)
19. Carriage (3)
20. Carriage (4)
21. Ink Cartridge
22. Ink Pump / Air Pump (1)
23. Ink Pump / Air Pump (2)
24. Wiper
25. Station (1)
26. Station (2)
27. Flushing Cartridge
28. Electrical Device
29. Take-up Device (1)
30. Take-up Device (2)
31. Roll Holder
32. Packing Assy. (1) (L4130)
33. Packing Assy. (2) (L4160)